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Mother and Daughter Duo Share Their Life-Changing NDIS Experience

For 25-year-old Kate and her mother, Theresa, the Nation Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has changed their lives. Kate’s a passionate performer, and with support from the NDIS, she is working towards finishing her first book, writing and producing music, and finding employment.

“The NDIS is the best thing that has happened to Kate and I in the last five years. I can’t believe how amazing it is,” Theresa said.

“I’d heard a lot of negative things about the NDIS and I was terrified and worried that we would be told what Kate needs. In reality, it was like sitting down with a friend and telling them our story.

“At the first meeting with Debbie, our Local Area Coordinator (LAC), we talked about Kate; what she enjoys, what we do together, what she needs and what she wants to do in the future. It was a great conversation.

“I self-manage, which I didn’t know how to do, but it was simply because I researched the information. There are so many resources out there, and you can always talk to your LAC who will point you in the right direction.”

“One of Kate’s goals is to live independently, which is something we are starting to work on, and like all of Kate’s goals we are making small changes to work towards achieving them.

“I met with service providers to see if they were a good fit for Kate. I then moved on to budgeting and started to plan out her week with the information I’d gathered. Now, I’ve planned out the next 12 months, which was time-consuming, but it has set us up for an easy process moving forward.

“Compared to where Kate was 12 months ago, the NDIS has transformed her life. We moved from Sydney after she finished school and she left her friends, so she spent most of her time at home.

“I felt guilty, but with support from the NDIS, Kate has friends, she goes to parties, movies, and shopping. She’s out every day learning new things and is happy.

“Kate’s days are now centred on her goals and pursuing her passion for performing. She visits the library to work on her book, attends weekly yoga, tai chi, and water aerobics classes with the help of a support person to improve her health and is learning to cook and prepare meals to increase her independence.

“Her goal is to write, perform and produce a CD and create a film clip. It’s great because she is learning from people with experience and is surrounded by others who have the same passion as her.

“The advice I’d give to people is to slow down and do your research. There is always someone there to support you and if you get stuck, call your Carers Queensland Local Area Coordinator.

Kate is supported on her NDIS journey by Debbie, a Local Area Coordinator at Carers Queensland, NDIS Partner in the Community Program for the Moreton Bay region.

If you have a disability but are not eligible for the NDIS, Carers Queensland staff can also help you identify and link to options for support in your community.

To find out more about how the NDIS and Local Area Coordination program can work for you, visit Carers Queensland NDIS Local Area Coordination Partner in the Community Program for the Moreton Bay region, Level 5/10 The Corso, North Lakes 4509 or call (07) 3384 1600.

You can also contact Carers Queensland on 1300 999 636, or cq.enquiries@ndis.gov.au

To find out more about the NDIS